McDonald’s tricky Facebook campaign

A friend just visited a McDonald’s page on Facebook which subsequently spammed all of her Facebook friends without her knowledge, she says. The message sent to her friends said this:

Jill became a fan of Official FREE McDonald’s Day! Free Big Macs on us all day! on Facebook and suggested you become a fan too.

This is just another reminder of the “information leaks” present in Facebook and other social networking sites. Never post anything that you wouldn’t want to disclose to the world.

Cheap thoughts: performance reports

Daydreaming at a meeting last night, I realized that companies have it all wrong when they periodically gauge the performance of their employees. What they should be doing is asking their employees about the performance of the company. The shop-floor worker has a keen insight into what works and what doesn’t work, and her thoughts might not necessarily filter up to management. How can a process be improved? What causes slowdowns? What should the company be doing that it’s not? How can you as an employee be more successful?

Employees are valuable parts of the team and crucial to the company’s success. A smart business will do all it can to make that employee successful.