MT.Net weather stats for 2007

Time to reset the counters on MT.Net’s weather station. Here are the records for the year:

Highest temperature: 111.9 F on August 9th, 12:54 PM
Lowest temperature: 16.9 F on February 6th, 6:45 AM
Lowest humidity: 10% on March 3rd, 6 PM
Highest dew point: 86 F on July 11th, 4:03 PM
Highest wind gust: SSW at 15.4 MPH on December 23rd, 1:09 PM (wow, that’s recent)
Lowest wind chill: -9 F on January 24th, 6:09 PM
Total rainfall: 31.38 inches

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of 2008. It promises to be a very interesting year!

May everyone enjoy a safe, peaceful, and prosperous new year!