Mouthpiece success!

Before bed last night I went through the “boil-and-bite” procedure to fit my ..uh, “anti-snoring” mouthpiece to my mouth. I popped the mouthpiece into my mouth right after turning out the light just like the prosthodontist said to do and I waited in the dark to see how long it would take before I hurled it across the room and slept without it.
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Snoring stymies sleep

I awoke early this morning to a loud noise that seemed to come from my side of the room. The noise was gone as quickly as it arrived. Only at breakfast did I realize that noise was me: I caught myself snoring! I had my mouthpiece in but it didn’t seem to do any good. I think the lift it once gave my lower jaw is now gone because my mouth has gradually reformed the mouthpiece’s shape.

I think I’m just going to have to get my sinuses fixed once and for all. That will have to wait until I have something other than a contract position. I’m pretty tired now and don’t want to spend the rest of my life always feeling tired.


I’m just beat tonight. Picked up a cold yesterday which kept me awake, as I couldn’t breathe through my nose well enough to wear my mouthpiece when I desperately needed it. If that wasn’t bad enough I was continually dive-bombed by a mosquito until I cranked up the bedroom fan.

Its also not been all that easy juggling work and the kids’ errands while Kelly has been away. Trips like this really make me appreciate her so much more. Add in today’s sweltering, nearly unbearable heat and you get one tired dude.

I’ve got an 8:30 AM meeting tomorrow and I’m hoping I’m conscious for it. Man am I glad a weekend’s coming up.

A rest doctor

Tomorrow I visit a local prostodontist for an initial consultation to discuss how a mandibular advancement device (a fancy name for a mouthpiece) might help with my mild sleep apnea. This custom-made mouthpiece is designed to prevent my jaw from sliding back at night, blocking my airway. Its a good, inexpensive first approach to correcting my apnea.

Actually, the cheapest and easiest approach is to try a sports-type mouthpiece. I ordered one of those the other day for 25 bucks. We’ll see if that is enough for a restful night.