Raleigh’s special events office

The city recently created a special events office, coming in response to the Color Run fiasco, among others. I think this is a wonderful approach, as I think Raleigh should do its best to accommodate the growth of running in our city. Hopefully with staff dedicated to managing events, we can find a way to let runners run and showcase more of our city to the participants.

Busy week

Well, last Thursday I caught some kind of cold thing and the massive cold front passing through that day squeezed my sinuses something fierce. My body went berzerk over the weekend and I wound up missing a day and a half of work. I swear the stuff I’m dealing with must be Gulf War Illness (GWI) and I intend to get things checked out as soon as I can.

Anyhow, in spite of my being knocked for a loop earlier this week, I managed to help get Little Raleigh Radio over the first FCC hurdle in its quest to get an LPFM license. The filing window was supposed to be Thursday but got extended until Friday. Ours got filed Thursday evening and it looks good.
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