Building Raleigh’s startup scene from the ground up

Officials from Raleigh and N.C. State announced a partnership Monday to make Raleigh a “city of innovation.” A conference, known as the Raleigh Innovation Summit, will take place on January 18th, 2012 to discuss ways to give the city’s startup scene a boost. Being that I’m not yet working again and I have experience with startups, I grabbed my camera and headed to the press conference, eager to hear more details.

The press has already done a good job covering the details, it turns out. Thus there’s not much I can add to this except a few thoughts after the fact.
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UC Davis pepper spray gets snarky Amazon reviews

Now this is funny. I always love the snarky Amazon product reviews, this time focusing on the pepper spray used on the UC Davis kids on Friday.

Amazon sells the type of Defense Technology police-grade pepper spray reportedly used on the UC Davis protesters. Customer reviews of the product are now dominated by snarky comments about the campus incident.

“Accept no substitutes when casually repressing students,” is the title of one review posted Monday.

via UC-Davis | Pepper-Spray | Amazon | The Daily Caller.

Pullen Pike

Things got a little out of hand at Saturday’s Pullen Park Grand Opening.