Fast food


On the way to Travis’s T-ball game, he asked me what fast food was. Surprisingly, I had to think about it. Like the famous definition of obscenity, it’s something that “I know it when I see it.”

So, what sets an Applebee’s apart from a McDonald’s? Or a Char-grill apart from a Mediterranean grill in a food court? And what category does Subway fall under? Is it the quality of the food, the speed of the food, or something else?

I decided that the best definition was that a fast-food place does not have a wait staff. Any place where you place your order at a counter (or drive-through) is fast food. If someone takes your order at your table, that is decidedly not fast food. Thus, even though Applebee’s are ubiquitous and the food is nothing to crow about, they are not considered fast food by my definition.

Leave it to six year olds to keep you on your toes!

To My Third Grade Class

It’s posts like this that make me wonder what it would be like to be a teacher:

To My Third Grade Class
We have 30 days left together. You don’t realize this yet – You are just eight years old and the only thing you count down to is Christmas. You are living for Soccer at recess, Spelling games, and Art on Fridays. You live for computer class free time and the moment you can multiply 6×7. That’s one one of my favorite things about you- you are too busy filling up today to worry about tomorrow.

This was written by an online acquaintance whom I’ve never really met but I read her blog because I love her writing. The post also reminds me of how quickly our own kids are growing, and how fleeting childhood (and life) really is.