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A million times brigher than the sun: Astronomers reveal ‘largest yellow star ever’ | The Raw Story

I love astronomy news!

Astronomers have spotted the largest yellow star ever observed in our galaxy and 1,300 times larger than the sun.The yellow hypergiant star HR 5171 A is also in the top-10 of the largest stars known and about one million times brighter than the sun, Olivier Chesneau, whose team made the discovery, said Wednesday.

Despite its great distance of nearly 12,000 light-years from earth, the object can just about be seen with the naked eye.“
The new observations also showed that this star has a very close binary partner, which was a real surprise,” said Chesneau, of the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, in Nice, France.

“The two stars are so close that they touch and the whole system resembles a gigantic peanut.”

via A million times brigher than the sun: Astronomers reveal ‘largest yellow star ever’ | The Raw Story.