in Check It Out, X-Geek

Apple Worked A Broken Patent System – InformationWeek

Our patent system is definitely broken. This is worth a read.

Samsung too closely copied some elements of the Apple iPhone, and for that it should be hung up in the public square. But Samsung should be hung by its thumbs, at worst, not its neck.

Copying in some measure is all around us. It is continuously present in many parts of a free enterprise system and in some ways is a yardstick to the health of that system. I often see small, muscular-looking cars with lines similar to the BMW 300 series, but they have Swedish or Japanese nameplates on them. Watching what sells is a basic premise of anyone engaged in a competitive race. Matching a competitor under your own brand is a time-honored practice.

via Apple Worked A Broken Patent System – Mobility – Smartphones – Informationweek.