in X-Geek

Thunderbird 13 is buggy

I’ve been a fan of Mozilla Thunderbird for a while now but a recent upgrade to Thunderbird 13.0.1 has shaken that faith. Since I upgraded to this latest version, TB has been slow, the message preview pane has never correctly shown the email it supposedly is displaying, it never cleanly exits, it has unexplained CPU spikes, and overall it’s basically is slow as Christmas.

I Googled “‘thunderbird 13’ buggy” and came upon this post from a fellow Linux user who seems to have the same issues:

Florian Monfort
Jun 29, 2012 – Public
Question for all of you guys !

If there is any of you using Fedora 17, is Thunderbird 13 buggy ?

I have to end the process ALL THE TIME to close it, because after a few minutes it would just keep on “loading message” forever…

Sometimes also I have to wait for ages for my sending message to be copied to the “Sent” folder…. So I have to cancel…

Thing is I used to have Evolution but Evolution is no better …

Can someone help me ?

I’m considering downgrading to a prior TB version to fix things, because the current version frustrates me more than pleases me.