in Check It Out, Reviews, Travels, X-Geek

Virgin Mobile’s Beyond Talk plans

This is going to be my next cell phone plan. I’ve been mostly happy with my plain-Jane Net 10 service but I’ve been growing increasingly frustrated by Net 10’s lack of a bona fide smart phone. With my crazy schedule it would be nice to have an easy way to keep my calendar with me. Also, as I travel more with my job it becomes more important that I have a WiFi and 3G-enabled phone to keep me occupied in the airports.

Virgin Mobile’s $40-a-month plan for unlimited network and 1200 minutes a month will fit me just fine. With the LG Optimus V phone that runs Android, I’ll have all I need.

* 3G Nationwide Coverage You Can Count On

* All Taxes & Fees Included, except those charged at the point of purchase

* Pay with Credit, Debit or PayPal for worry free monthly service

* Buy Top-Up cards to pay with cash

via Cell Phone Plans – Pay As You Go and Prepaid | Virgin Mobile.

  1. I have the $25 dollar plan with unlimited data. I’ve been a VM customer for about 5 years.

  2. Holly’s had a VM phone for several years and is currently contemplating the same move you’re making. A smart phone is handy for so many things.

  3. They added the Andriod last year about 2 mo after I had ungraded to a LG Rumor with a QWERTY keyboard. Marital bliss dictates that I probably need to wait about a year before I try to upgrade again 🙂

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