in Cheap Thoughts, Follow-Up, X-Geek

Cheap Thoughts: The “Boss is Coming” screensaver

Yesterday’s Bluetooth screensaver idea gave me an idea of a great way to extend its functionality: the Boss Is Coming feature. Your laptop will automagically display a boring spreadsheet whenever your boss approaches. Then once she’s gone you can go back to playing QWOP.

BlueProximity is open source and thus changing it should be easy. Right now the user selects one device out of a list and triggers the screensaver (or other script) based on that device. A Boss Is Coming feature would require being able to trigger different scripts for different devices.

Ok, geeks. Get coding!

Update 1:24 PM: It looks like BlueProximity already supports multiple devices! Just select the “New” button next to the “Selected Configuration” box, select the desired device, and create your script.

It remains to be seen what happens when a device is selected which has not been paired with the laptop. I doubt one’s boss will let her mobile phone be paired without permission.