in X-Geek

Meet Red: Virgin America’s Linux-Based In Flight Entertainment System

Speaking of Virgin America, the newly-chartered airline aims to have the best in-flight experience possible. Their in-flight entertainment (IFE) system is one of the most advanced of any airline.

Take a look at Red, their cool IFE system, which is running Linux. Virgin America plans to solicit new games from open-source developers to add to their system. Pretty cool!

I got a nervous chuckle when I saw Doom being played on the IFE. I’m not sure I welcome machine guns on a plane, even if they’re virtual.

Also, I wonder if they’ll put the open-source Flightgear on their IFE so that you can fly your own plane. They could send it real GPS coordinates and you could fly a virtual plane alongside the one you’re on.

Hmm. I wonder how many USB ports they’ll have per seat, if any?
[Update:] I should have known Engadget would have the technical 411, yo.