More details on Oakwood North

My neighbor Bobby Poole got some more information about Oakwood North, the East Raleigh subdivision to be built by KB Home.

The homes will be in the 2,500 square foot range and are expected to be priced starting in the $300s. They should have hardiplank siding similar to the ones in my neighborhood.

So far I like what I’m hearing about this new neighborhood. The developer has been invited to the January meeting of the East CAC to tell us more about their plans.

One year of being Mr. Mom

It was a year ago today that I started at my current gig as a part-time system administrator. It was the start of an unusual schedule for me as I’ve taken care of the kids before and after school while getting in a few hours of work in-between.

While Kelly and I didn’t know how it would turn out when we began this adventure, the truth is that it’s worked really, really well. Kelly has a full-time job that she loves and I can work as much as I want part-time while helping out at home and in the community.

I told Kelly when she took her job that I would fully support her and would do whatever it takes to help her succeed. After one year we’re on the right track!