in Checking In, Geezer


I got a physical this morning; the first one I’ve had in a few years. There are a million other things I’d rather do than get poked and prodded by a doctor so I put it off for as long as I can, but I figured I was now overdue.

I’m pretty darn fit for a 42 year old, it turns out. Blood pressure is an excellent 114/68, pulse 74 (though I took my pulse last week and clocked it at 50, lower than my previous best – ha!). Even my cholesterol is trending very nicely in a healthy direction, with only a slightly elevated LDL.

The one thing I’m looking at is a low white blood cell count and a low platelet level. Outside of my initial visit as a new patient it was the first time the doc quizzed me on my family history. That raised my eyebrows a bit, and later I found that these numbers can sometimes indicate something bigger. My doc didn’t seem overly worried, though. I’m due to get another lab run next month and hopefully these numbers will be back to normal.

On another health note, I reached my target weight today! I set a goal last year to drop back to 170 pounds and this morning I was there. I feel great!

  1. Congrats on reaching your target weight! I guess I need to get back on the ball and start heading toward my target weight again. I kind of got derailed when J had ACL surgery and all the effects that had our our life. 🙁

    Any suggestions about keeping on track?

  2. Well, I’m no weight-loss guru by any stretch, but I’ve cut back on carbs in general and beer in particular. I friggin’ love beer but it loves my waist a bit too much! Tough not to drink a few at a time but I feel better (and sleep better) when I limit myself.

    I also eat a much healthier breakfast, with oatmeal and fruit instead of the full-fat or low-fat biscuit I used to have every morning. I also have been walking every day and doing push-ups regularly.

    When I felt the need to snack I also began to ask myself why am I wanting to snack: is it because I’m hungry or simply because I’m bored? Many times it was because I was just bored.

    I think a lot of it comes from simply setting a goal, too. Once you set a goal everything else tends to fall into place.

    Take this for what it’s worth! 🙂

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