in Checking In

Ticker shock

I was in a funk most of yesterday: Monday night I got some discouraging news about my new cholesterol results. Rather than improving after months of regular exercise and better eating my cholesterol has gotten slightly worse. Now I am facing medication. Is it the end of the world? Not by a long shot, but I assumed things would trend better and I’m puzzled when they did not.

I feel I’m in the best shape of my life. I don’t smoke and have perhaps one drink a day. I’ve slimmed down, my blood pressure is fine, my resting heart rate is in the low 60s. I exercise daily and have plenty of energy. I’m sleeping well, too. I don’t know what else I can do, and that’s the frustrating part.

I hope to get the full paperwork from my test results today so I can figure out what it all means.

  1. dude, I’m sorry to hear this but let me make a couple points.

    You are in good health and depending on how high your cholesterol is and what the LDL to HDL levels are it may not be a big deal. Especially considering you’re still pretty young.

    Lately, there’s been a lot of questioning of the validity of cholesterol readings. Although I wouldn’t ignore them, you may want to do some more poking around.

    Either way, I know you’ll be fine!

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