Piling on the sugar

One of my pet peeves is the habit food companies have of piling on the sweeteners. Some take the position that anything they sell can be made better with a double-dose of high fructose corn syrup. What results is a society with an obesity epidemic.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Take yogurt, for example. We’ve long been looking to buy a brand with less sweetener added. What we’ve found is it’s harder than you think.

You’d think that by buying brand-name food, or food that touts its health benefits most prominently, you’d be picking the healthiest, right? Wrong. Let’s take a look at three different yogurt brands in our refrigerator right now:
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Robert’s Rules of Order not just for meetings!

I came upon a brilliant idea yesterday to keep the kids from constantly interrupting each other around the house: Robert’s Rules of Order! I’m used to using the Rules of Order to run my East CAC and Parks board meetings, why not apply them to my kids?

As chair of the household, I will formally recognize our kids as speakers and allow them the floor. Should the other wish to interject, I will ask if the current speaker chooses to yield. This will keep the squabbling down to a minimum and ensure the household runs smoothly.

(My tongue is firmly planted in my cheek here. But I can dream, can’t it?)