Downtown lowdown

I was wandering around downtown this afternoon, on a mission to update the Wikipedia photos for Raleigh and also Memorial Auditorium. As I snapped pictures of Memorial Auditorium a man walked up to me and asked for things to do around town. He was a bit shorter than me with curly shoulder-length hair and wore a tam-o-shanter cap and dark sunglasses. I imagined that he had just gotten off a plane from New York City.

“Isn’t there a museum nearby?” he asked.

“Yes, there are a few. Perhaps you’d like to go to the North Carolina Museum of Art?”
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Columbus Day


I’ve got Columbus Day off today, for the first time I can recall. Most businesses keep chugging away on Columbus Day, and while I appreciate an extra day to get things done I have to say that I don’t think Christopher Columbus is the kind of guy we should be celebrating.

Columbus was a greedy, murderous, slave-trader who cared little for the indigenous people he met: the same people who repeatedly saved his bacon in spite of his cruel behavior. He was deluded to the day he died that he had discovered a path to India. Not exactly a role model, in my book, but I’m grateful for the day off anyway.