College Tuition For Illegal Immigrants

Some folks are in a fuss over the proposal to provide in-state tuition rates to the kids of illegal immigrants.

Let’s take a look at it. How much did you contribute to the state economy before going to college? You might have been the exceptionally-motivated type who worked your way through college with no debt. If so, good for you (though you might have been better off taking those skills straight to the business world). Or you got the money from someone else, such as Mom And Dad Savings And Loan (if you’re lucky); scholarships (if you’re lucky and motivated); or good, old-fashioned indebtedness (the American way).

If you’re like most kids, though, your earnings contributed exactly diddily-squat. Babysitting money, lawn-cutting money, or minimum-wage slavery will only go so far. Of that, most is paid under the table (which makes you – wait for it – an undocumented worker!) What isn’t paid to you illegally (that is, as a minimum-wage slave) is likely too meager to be taxed, anyway.

The idea is to give these smart, motivated kids – kids who’ve proven themselves but come from poor immigrant families – the chance to pay a not-insane rate for college tuition. It isn’t free, the kid has to apply for citizenship, and above all – she has to prove she is a serious student.

Education is the most effective weapon against poverty. If the state can make it easier for immigrant kids to support themselves, we’re all better off.


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