in Checking In, Geezer

Sinus surgery healing nicely

I am now on day eight of my septoplasty (a.k.a. surgery to fix my deviated septum). The swelling is gone now, my nose is running but there is only the faintest tinge of blood. We’ve had a few cold days here, though, and the chilly, dry air has been stinging my nose. On our family dog walk last night the pain got pretty bad until I thought to bury my face in the scarf I was wearing. Also, my nose gets tender when I stretch my mouth open (to floss my teeth, for instance). I’m thinking that all these little issues will eventually go away as nose heals.

On the plus side, I am quite able to breathe exclusively through my nose, which is nice, though I haven’t engaged in vigorous physical activity for the requested week after surgery. I have noted an improved sense of smell, which is nice. Also, I have not caught myself snoring so far, which is also good.

Bottom line: I’m doing much better than I thought I would. The pain was not nearly as bad as it could have been. My nose is obviously working better than it was and it will only get better. So far, so good!