in Checking In

Loving the new job

Thursday marks my second week at the new job and, boy, what a difference it is from my last job! I actually have fun at work. No one micromanages me, no stupid mind games are being played. People don’t come into work seemingly to delight in making someone else’s day miserable. Night and day.

Two weeks into my job and I’ve already earned the trust of my colleagues. I’ve already jumped in and begun solving problems. I’ve even offered house-hunting advice to those new to Raleigh. It feels awesome to work someplace that appreciates my contributions.

Above is a photo I took of my team last week. Looks like a fun group, doesn’t it?

  1. There are not enough words to describe the issue with your prior employer. I think I may have warned you, but hey, a paycheck is a paycheck.

  2. Actually, the place where we both once worked was pretty cool. I’m talking about the one in-between.

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