in Checking In

The dark of winter

It’s not been a fun few weeks for me after losing my job before the holidays. I’ve been feeling pretty low, actually, with only my knowing that there will be better days ahead to hang on to. It sucks feeling like I’m not contributing when all I want to do is contribute.

Home life hasn’t been a happy place, which is kind of ironic since when things began going south at work I started to realize how the stress I was feeling could become hazardous to my marriage. Now I’ve the stress of needing to look for work. Things will get better, though. The darkest day of winter begins the return to light.

At least Mother Nature has conspired to give me company in being at home, since the entire City of Raleigh took the week off for last Tuesday’s snow. While sledding with the kids at my neighborhood park on Wednesday, I remarked to my neighbor how awesome the sledding conditions were.

“No kidding,” he answered. “It sure beats a day at the office.”

Well, maybe if you’ve got an office to be away from it does. Sledding is fun but not working is anything but fun.

It’s up to me to make something happen and that’s what I’ll do. And while I know the sun will rise again, I won’t soon forget these dark days of winter.