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How A Wealthy, Clean-Cut ‘Duck Dynasty’ Tricked The World For Publicity : Political Blind Spot

Once again we’re reminded that there is no such thing as reality TV. This show is manufactured, just like the Phil Robertson controversy. Way to be played, America.

Fake Dynasty

Fake Dynasty

Sources close to the show have time and time again leaked details that the show is literally scripted. Because of non-disclosure agreements, cameramen, and others who wish to go public with this information have proven unable to do so. As a result, without a name attached to such leaked information, many of these claims of inauthenticity are seen as lacking credibility.

But as the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” One thing that the so-called “Duck Dynasty” family cannot deny are family pictures taken before their fabricated “reality” show was scripted for them. These pictures all showcase a family devoid of backwoods attire: no camouflage, no face paint, no headbands, and no beards.

via How A Wealthy, Clean-Cut ‘Duck Dynasty’ Tricked The World For Publicity : Political Blind Spot.