in Check It Out, Futurist, Musings

One in five Milky Way stars hosts potentially life-friendly Earths

Chew on this for a moment. Our galaxy, just one of hundreds of billions, harbors at least 10 billion Earth-like, habitable planets. This isn’t just an estimate, this is a calculation from NASA.

Ten billion Earth-like planets in our corner of the universe. Still believe there’s no other life in the universe?

One out of every five sun-like stars in the Milky Way galaxy has a planet about the size of Earth that is properly positioned for water, a key ingredient for life, a study released on Monday showed.The analysis, based on three years of data collected by NASA’s now-idled Kepler space telescope, indicates the galaxy is home to 10 billion potentially habitable worlds.

via One in five Milky Way stars hosts potentially life-friendly Earths: study – Yahoo News.