in Check It Out, Politics

Rand Paul Caught Plagiarizing Science Fiction Movie’s Wikipedia Page

This is hilarious. Sen. Rand Paul gave a speech last week that was lifted almost word-for-word from a Wikipedia page about Gattaca.

It was first mentioned on Rachel Maddow’s show. Check it out for some additional quotes.

When discussing Republicans, I often point out that I believe many of them live in some alternate reality which only seems to exist in a fictional world that they’ve created in their minds.In the case of Rand Paul, that world seems to be found in a 1997 science fiction movie starring Ethan Hawke and written by Andrew Nicool, titled Gattaca. Senator Paul used this movie as an example of where he fears we could be headed, but in doing so, seems to have copied excerpts directly from the movie’s Wikipedia page while attempting to explain the plot.

via Forward Progressives — Unbelievable: Rand Paul Caught Plagiarizing Science Fiction Movie’s Wikipedia Page While Giving Speech.