in Check It Out, Follow-Up, Media, Raleigh

Raleigh ‘Color Run’ race leads to dyed houses, towed cars

Looks like Colin Campbell at the N&O has picked up on the Color Run story.

By the way, I’m up to 16,045 page views now. Word has really gotten around.

Residents of the historic Oakwood neighborhood are fuming after a recent “color run” left brightly colored powder on houses, and some people’s cars were towed from outside their homes.

The Color Run is a for-profit 5k race where runners are doused with dyed starches along the route. They are held in dozens of cities across the country each year, billing themselves as “a race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality.”

via RALEIGH: Raleigh 'Color Run' race leads to dyed houses, towed cars | Wake County |