in Follow-Up, Media

Zimmerman trial

The jury in the George Zimmerman trial reached a verdict of not guilty last night. Many of my lefty friends are outraged and, while I haven’t followed the trial at all, I’ve found the emotional reactions most alarming.

Many people have thrown common sense to the wind and are calling for vigilante justice against George Zimmerman, yet these same people condemn Zimmerman for taking the law into his own hands. It’s crazy to hear all the calls for more blood.

Gun violence is a scourge on humanity. Racial profiling is shameful and wrong. It’s a shame that Trayvon Martin is dead. So many people think they know exactly what happened during that encounter and yet none of us really do. Those who are second-guessing the verdict are as guilty of jumping to conclusions as they accuse Zimmerman of being.

I had no investment in the trial’s outcome but I am appalled at how this incident has stirred some frightening reactions, divorced from all reality. I’m appalled at how the media hype surrounding this incident has been used to further divide us rather than to bring understanding.

Don’t buy into the hate. Don’t buy into the violence. Let go of the stereotypes that blind you to the truth. If we can learn to do this, perhaps we can salvage something useful from this tragedy.

  1. Many people have thrown common sense to the wind and are calling for vigilante justice against George Zimmerman, yet these same people condemn Zimmerman for __acting within the law__. It’s crazy to hear all the calls for more blood.

    Fixed that for you


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