in Musings, Politics, Raleigh

Moral Mondays and angry voters

I’ve been watching the foolishness taking place in the General Assembly building. No, not the Moral Monday protests, I’m talking about the damage Republican legislators are doing to the state. Yet, for every outrageous far-right bill telling folks how to live and every cut to vital safety-net programs in a down economy, there are legions of Democrats who become rightfully outraged and motivated.

I’ve worked enough elections to know that angry people vote, and they vote in droves. And the anger being displayed at these protests is genuine – it’s not the kind cooked up by rich billionaires as in the case of “tea partiers.” That’s what’s got Gov. McCrory, Sen. Thom Goolsby, and other state Republican leaders publicly dissing this group: the power of these protests is starting to worry Republicans.

And worry they should. The number of North Carolinians fed up with their state being a national punchline is growing and shows no sign of stopping. Come November anyone foolish to stand in their way will pay the price at the polls.