in Check It Out, Politics

Obama-stare puts a spell on Romney –

I found this humorous op-ed by Dean Obeidallah to be a pretty accurate synopsis of Obama and Romney’s foreign policy debate Monday night.

The Obama-stare is more than just a laser-like game face — apparently it causes people to agree with him on issue after issue. Obama-stare is more akin to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s use of the Jedi mind trick, or vampires on “True Blood” glamouring someone into saying exactly what they want to hear. Romney agreed with Obama so often I thought Mitt was going to endorse him.

How else can anyone explain why Romney — who is highly critical of Obama’s foreign policy when he is out on the campaign trail — would agree with the president on issue after issue when placed in the same room? Romney appeared as if he wasn’t vying for commander in chief as much as for “agree-er in chief.”

via Obama-stare puts a spell on Romney –