in Checking In, Politics, Reviews

AWOL on last night’s debate

I’ve been flying solo with the kids for most of this week as my lovely and talented wife was away for business. She’s back now but while she was gone I had my hands full with kid duties. As such didn’t feel compelled to turn on the TV during last night’s debates. Yeah, as much as I like politics I didn’t even watch. I didn’t think I’d learn anything about the candidates that I didn’t already know.

I suppose this is how the majority of voters probably feel. With as much as people hate all the negative advertising being pushed by political consultants, it takes a special kind of person to willingly tune into watch more blood-boiling political scrapping.

From the reviews I’ve read, though, I wasn’t the only one AWOL from last night’s debate. In addition to the truth and the moderator, our president apparently didn’t feel the need to show up. Obama must not have read my critique of his speaking skills because it seems Professor Obama showed up in President Obama’s place. It takes a royal screw-up on Obama’s part to make Mitt Romney look like the human one.

I agree with some pundits’ opinion that most folks have made up their mind by now. Some say that debates mean little in the long run. Still, Obama wants to hang on to his job he’d better show more fire from here on out.