in Check It Out

The drugs don’t work: a modern medical scandal | Ben Goldacre | Business | The Guardian

This is a frightening, eye-opening look at the sham taking place with drug trials, where the sponsoring pharmaceutical company often cherry-picks the results.

Because researchers are free to bury any result they please, patients are exposed to harm on a staggering scale throughout the whole of medicine. Doctors can have no idea about the true effects of the treatments they give. Does this drug really work best, or have I simply been deprived of half the data? No one can tell. Is this expensive drug worth the money, or has the data simply been massaged? No one can tell. Will this drug kill patients? Is there any evidence that it’s dangerous? No one can tell. This is a bizarre situation to arise in medicine, a discipline in which everything is supposed to be based on evidence.

via The drugs don't work: a modern medical scandal | Ben Goldacre | Business | The Guardian.