in Check It Out

Chick-Fil-A Agrees To Cease Funding To Anti-Gay Orgs

Bravo for Chick-Fil-A!

Could Chick-fil-A be turning over a new leaf?A Chicago-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender LGBT advocacy group reports that the restaurant chain — which was at the epicenter of a media firestorm this summer after its president confirmed his company’s anti-gay stance — has agreed to cease donations to right-wing groups that oppose same-sex marriage.

via Chick-Fil-A Agrees To Cease Funding To Anti-Gay Organizations, Chicago LGBT Group Claims.

  1. I question whether or not this is an actual policy change, or more of “We’re making a study to determine an action plan for convening a board to investigate a vaguely worded statement about our commitment to values, while actually changing nothing.”

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