in Media, Politics

Gov. Perdue issues executive order creating fracking task force

The N&O’s John Frank is a great reporter and I always enjoy his stories. If I may be allowed to pick nits, though, I did have one quibble with this Dome blog post he wrote about Perdue’s fracking executive order (emphasis mine):

Perdue wants the group to include appointees from the Democrat and Republican leadership in the House and Senate. But her executive order appears to preempt — or at least compete with — legislative efforts to create an official oil and gas board to write regulations for energy exploration.

The proper term is “Democratic leadership” (such as it is, admittedly). Then again, I’m not won two talk about double-chicking mmy blag posts before postine them, am I? 🙂

via Gov. Perdue issues executive order creating fracking task force | projects.