in Follow-Up, Musings, Raleigh

Slow it down

On my morning walk my still-kinda-dreaming eyes fell on the 25 MPH sign next to Dennis Avenue.

I thought about that wide-open stretch of road and the role the speed limit plays in taming it. Must have been like a racetrack before, I thought.

Then I thought of the mini-highway that New Bern Avenue became when it became one-way, and the mini-highway that Capital Boulevard is near my home. Seemed to me the first step in rejuvenating these areas would simply be to slow down the traffic. This could be a sophisticated operation like returning the streets to two-way traffic. Or, it could simply be dropping the speed limit.

I’m thinking all it would take to pump some life into some of Raleigh’s troubled neighborhoods would be to reduce the speed limit. It’s a simple and cheap solution, too.

  1. Speed humps, brick/cobble crosswalks, and a variety of other tactics are highly employable, too 🙂

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