in Checking In, Parks and Rec, Wolfpack

Active day

Wow, what a day! It started off with a lazy start. After breakfast I spent time upgrading our home’s main Linux fileserver. This was followed by some family basketball practice.

After basketball practice, I headed over to attend the first anniversary celebration of the St. Monica Teen Center, a center where magic takes place in Southeast Raleigh. It was good to chat with folks there and to see how proud those kids are to have that center.

After the St. Monica party, I grabbed lunch before heading out the door for Travis’s basketball game. The Salvation Army was short on referees today so I was “volunteered” to referee the game (along with a coach from the other team). The teams played a good game and I had fun with it, too.

After the game, the family chilled out in front of the TV watching Night At The Museum 2. I watched for a bit until 4:30, when I gathered up ingredients to make my second dish from the Cajun cookbook Kelly got me for Christmas. I was happy to see that the local Food Lion had everything I needed, so I was back in a flash to commence the chopping needed for the jambalaya. A few hours and a few Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPAs later, we sat down to a tasty, lively chicken jambalaya. There were smiles all around!

Now although it’s just 9:25 PM, I’m headed for my book and bed. It’s a fitting ending to a fun-filled day of growth.

(Oh, and N.C. State beat visiting Wake Forest today.)