in Checking In

What’s up with 3:05 AM, besides me?

What is up with 3:05 AM that’s waking me up at 3:05 AM? Every single morning this week I’ve awakened at exactly 3:05 AM and I have no idea why.

It started the morning of my Zombiehead post. That night (Wednesday) I went around to all the computers in the house to put them on mute. It’s not the computers.

When I woke up anyway, I assumed that maybe Kelly has been shifting around and waking me. Last night she spent the night away for work, though, so that isn’t it.

There were very strong winds last night as a front is moving through, but would the wind wake me up at the exact same time? Unlikely.

It’s not a case of me waking up naturally from a sleep cycle, either, as my bedtimes have varied all this week.

It’s not the Norfolk Southern train yard as I hear trains all night, every night. Rarely do they wake me up, and rarely at the same time.

I’m not hearing any sound that I can recall. The dog isn’t barking so I don’t believe it’s someone at the door (though I don’t know for sure).

My strongest theory is perhaps someone at my next-door neighbor’s home is coming or going at that time and I’m hearing a car door or something else. Possibly an indistinct sound of some sort.

For the next few nights I’m going to set up some recording devices in the hopes of figuring this out!