in Checking In, Raleigh


Been a busy, fun weekend but I’m beat. I’ve had a cold for the past few weeks and it’s really starting to become a drag.

I spent some time Saturday working on my satellite dish. I also helped host a playdate for my son and his friend. Then I leaf-blowed the leaves in the back yard.

Later, we went to Raleigh’s Winterfest celebrations last evening. We had fun, even the kids. Today we went for a hike at Falls Lake. It was a short-ish hike but Kelly and I felt worn out afterwards. It seemed much more vigorous than we expected.

I’m on my way to bed soon in the hopes that tonight’s sleep refreshes me. It’s going to be a busy week with the city council swearing-in ceremony, a dentist appointment, a planning meeting, a park dedication, and a Raleigh CAC holiday party – all this week. Oh, and I have some work mixed in there as well!