in Musings, Politics

Occupy (insert place name here)

I don’t know what to make of the Occupy Wall Street protests and the other protests that have spawned from these. I mean, I too am shocked at the wealth disparity between the very rich and the rest of us and am sick like everybody else of corporations shirking their tax obligations. Still, I don’t see how staying put in some place can be considered a “movement.”

This quote crystallized it for me. A protester at Occupy Chapel Hill was asked how long she intended to stay camped out:

“Till things are better,” Stephanie Daugherty said when asked how long she plans to sleep outside the Franklin Street post office. The 30-year-old unemployed IT worker was among the first 31 people to pitch tents and lay mats Saturday night after an Occupy Chapel Hill rally.

Until things are better? You mean, until the magic change fairy comes along and makes things better? Well, sister, that change is going to be a long, long time coming if all you’re willing to do is sit on your ass and complain!

Why not use some of your anger to become part of the solution? Why not work to support political candidates who share your views? Why not write letters to the editor to persuade others? Or volunteer with non-profit groups working to effect actual change? Anything you can do will be better than camping out and earning the scorn of the working folks who must deal with your disruptions.

Hey, I’m down with the reason folks are protesting. I’m tired of having a corporate-owned political system, too. But to think you can roll out change as easily as rolling out a sleeping bag is pretty damn naive. It takes some sweat, folks.

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