in Meddling, Politics

Iran assassaination plot

Over the past few days, the US claims it uncovered a clumsy plot by Iran’s Quds Force to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States. The Iranians supposedly approached an informant posing as a Mexican drug cartel member in an effort to bomb a DC-area restaurant that the diplomat frequents.

I’m having some trouble buying into this plot. Yes, Iran engages in terrorism and assassination but this plot that officials have called “amateur hour” isn’t keeping with Iran’s history. This is the same Iran who allegedly carried out truck bombings in the past which obliterated the bombing vehicles to the extent that only scraps of metal were recovered (with no serial numbers)? How could this Iran suddenly have gotten so sloppy? Iran has shown that it is perfectly capable of carrying out its own bombings. Why would it need to enlist a supposed member of a drug cartel?

I’m a little wary of these charges until I learn more.