in Checking In

Getting restless

It was a day not filled with good news. It wasn’t a bad day, necessarily. Just not one that contained a job offer.

It’s funny. I’ve been working from home for a few years now and never really felt cabin fever until I was not working from home. I wanted desperately to have some assignment to be done today.

With no job to do, I dusted off a project I’ve been meaning to complete for some time now. It’s a Raleigh-themed web forum I’m hoping fills a gap I see in the online discussions around here. I’m still hammering out details so it’s no where near ready for public unveiling. Still, I’m enjoying working on it and it’s teaching me a lot.

I’m just ready to be out of this in-between state I’m in. Kelly’s working now and I’m not: it’s a total change in responsibilities. I have to play a bigger role around the house than I have before and still find time to job hunt. Then when I do get a job, the kids will be in an after-school program for the first time ever, which means less family time for all of us. At least at that point, though, we’ll be in a routine that will hopefully last us a while.

Maybe some luck will come my way. I feel I could use some right now.

  1. Hang in there, we are going through the same thing. Michelle went back to work in January when I was unemployed, then my new job in March didn’t work out as hoped. As of last week, I’m no longer working at home, but commuting 2+ hours each way into Arlington. However the company is cool and the people are great, so that helps a lot.

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