in Geezer, Travels

Sinking sun

Stepping out this morning on my daily dog-walk, I noted that the sun was no longer awake before I was. We’re facing the end of summer and in spite of the mosquitoes and oppressive, record-setting heat the thought makes me a little sad, I have to admit.

It’s been a great summer. We’ve seen the kids through swim meets, T-ball games, soccer games, and sleepovers. We’ve spent many afternoons at the pool and had a wonderful time building our garden and enjoying the bounty it’s provided. We’ve taken trips to see Kelly’s parents and gone on the best-ever camping trip to Grayson Highlands. Soon, we’ll be taking our biggest trip of the summer as we head off for a week on Orcas Island in Washington state.

I’ve had the privilege of working from home and the joy of visiting the family whenever I want. Soon school will be starting again and our kids’ day will revolve around homework and classmates and other concerns. Yes, there will still be family time but not as much as now.

The kids are in a great place now. We all are in a great place now. This summer has been so richly rewarding to me. Seeing that sun accelerating its march towards winter is a stark reminder that time marches on, and that our long-legged, sunny kids will be grown up in a heartbeat.

I am enjoying every minute of it.