in Musings

Google Plus

Google Plus

I know Google likes to stir up excitement about its services, but I question the value of the invitation-only nature of Google Plus.

I got an invitation and now I’m in, and certainly it seems better than the Google Buzz service that preceded it. However, by making it invitation-only, Google is limiting the number of friends, family, and acquaintances that can join the existing Google Plus users.

At this point, having a Google Plus account kind of like owning the world’s first telephone: it’s cool technology but it’s useless if you’re friends aren’t using it, too. A social networking site should put fewer obstacles in front of potential users wanting to sign up.

  1. I don’t know how I didn’t get an invite but please invite me when you get a chance…if you can.

    What I like, theoretically, is that you aren’t open to the world. Also, the photo and video streaming seems cool…

    Anyway, hit me up. Unless, you’re afraid! 🙂

    Also, I think the invite only is while they’re working out the kinks. I think they’ll open it up eventually.

  2. It’s like Gmail back in the day, limited until they are sure it will scale as needed. Seeing as I was in one day 1, I kind of like the exclusiveness. It makes me feel special 🙂

  3. Thanks for the hookup, Mark! Now we can take our debates to the Googlesphere!!! 🙂

  4. Yeah, I remember Gmail’s limit, too, but email and social networking are fundamentally different.

    You can limit the users on a mail service like Gmail without affecting its usefulness: even if your friends don’t have Gmail addresses yet, they’re still likely to have email addresses that you can use. If you limit the friends with which you can connect on a social networking site, you limit site’s usefulness. You get the world’s first telephone. :-/

  5. Mark, you misunderstand. Google+ is still trying to work out the kinks and that’s why they’ve limited it. However, from what I’ve heard, it will be open to everyone come July 31. So, how about a little slack and not jumping the gun.

  6. I pontificate on things because I can, Tanner, not because anything I write has any actual value 🙂

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