in Checking In

Phone reunion!

Back on March 19th, I took the family to a local arcade for a Saturday of fun and wound up losing my new mobile phone. Though the next day I realized where I’d lost it, I called the business the next day and no one had seen my phone. I gave it up for lost and canceled the Net10 account it used. The phone cost $50 so it wasn’t a big loss. I went back to using my previous phone and that was that.

Yesterday, though, my parents got a call out of the blue from a woman claiming to have the phone. “Brenda” had called a few contacts in the phone’s memory until she found one that knew me, apparently. My dad called Kelly with the information and soon I was on the way over to the place near WakeMed where Brenda was waiting.

We met at a Wake County Human Services office. Brenda, who was there looking for a job, handed over my phone with a sheepish grin. I thanked her profusely for her honesty and gave her a small reward as well as my business card.

I asked her what kind of job she was searching for and she told me she was trained as a phlebotomist, rattling off medical terms I did not recognize! Brenda told me quietly that she was living in a group home for recovering substance abusers and was behind on her rent. I told her to contact me if there was anything I could do for her.

Meeting Brenda was the highlight of my day yesterday. This morning, I contacted a friend I know in the medical field who might be able to find her a job. I just know there’s a business out there who could use an honest and hard-working employee.