in Follow-Up, Musings


Got a call tonight from my fellow coach of Travis’s T-ball team, which just wrapped up its season. He told me that his daughter was out riding her bike on Sunday and got hit by a car, sending her into the windshield! If it weren’t for the helmet she had been wearing she would’ve died instantly, he said. Instead, she suffered no brain damage but has a seriously broken leg that will take a long time to heal.

I was shaken when I heard that, as I’d just seen them the day before. She and my daughter, Hallie, had become fast friends during the games and practices. As a parent you try to protect your kids from harm but sometimes the unexpected happens.

I don’t know any more details about the accident but I am reminded of my recent post about many drivers just not respecting cyclists. This is one collision that could have had far more tragic consequences.

Please be careful out there. And hug your loved ones every day.

  1. I’m very glad to hear that her daughter got away with only a broken leg. Even taking a long time to heal that’s better than brain damage! Always wear a helmet, eh?

    So, what do you think can be done to get drivers to pay more attention to bikes?

  2. The guy at the bike shop I talked to suggested a whole chapter in the DMV driver license manual devoted to pedestrians and bicycles. I think that’s a good start. A good PSA campaign might get the word out, too.

  3. Yeah, both of those would be good starts. Unfortunately, though, I fear it will take a lot more. You almost really need to create a new culture. For the purposes of NC law, bikes are classified as vehicles, the exact same as cars and trucks. Unfortunately, drivers don’t seem to believe or even think about that.

    This, sadly, is exactly why I do the vast majority of my biking in the woods.

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