in Musings, Politics

Level that playing field

I read with concern today that the U.S. Post Office is closing a local mail station because of to the shrinking volume of mail being sent. Cited for this decline was the rise of email, online bill payment, and the growing use of commercial shippers like FedEx and UPS.

It’s a shame that private enterprise is allowed to compete with the government. These companies are using their commercial nature to unfairly compete with the public entities. If only there was a law that reigned in the predatory nature of private enterprise … you know, level the playing field, so to speak. Wouldn’t that be great?

  1. If private industry is doing it better – then why not shed the cost from the government?

    The federal government doesn’t fund the USPS (except for overseas deliveries).

  2. I seriously hope you’re kidding…please?

  3. phew…I was gettin’ worried about ya! 🙂

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