in Checking In, Raleigh

Quiet neighborhood

Around 9 PM last night, I heard a multitude of sirens all converging somewhere close by in the neighborhood. I was curious to know what was going on, so I hopped in the car and drove around until I located the incident. Coming up on a family sobbing in the yard and a half-dozen police cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck nearby, I wondered it this was a domestic dispute, or some hapless individual had gotten shot while buying drugs, or if it was some other dangerous criminal event.

Instead, a police officer let me know that an elderly resident had passed away peacefully. During our chat he remarked at how quiet the neighborhood is, crime-wise. I had to agree, and thanked him for being on the job. The neighborhood hasn’t always been quiet but it has made amazing strides just in the time we’ve been here.

It’s nice to live in a quiet neighborhood.