in Check It Out, Meddling

Hu Jintao arriving for state visit

I guess I’m fascinated with China, like it or not. I was reading this WaPo article about Chinese President Hu Jintao’s upcoming state visit to America when I noticed this interesting tidbit:

After U.S. officials, including Clinton and Jeffrey Bader, senior Asia director at the National Security Council, tussled with Chinese security guards at the Copenhagen Climate Conference at the end of 2009, and China reacted strongly to a U.S. decision to sell $6.4 billion of weapons to Taiwan, the Obama administration’s tone changed.

I was unaware that there has been a “tussle” with Chinese security guards at this conference. My Google-Fu fails me here, too, as I can’t seem to find any mention of a physical confrontation at the Climate Conference. Was this somehow hushed up? And if so, how could it have been hushed up at such a public conference?

Could this lack of search results on this event be somehow related to China’s alleged hacking attacks against Google?

via Hu Jintao arriving for state visit focused on economics, security, human rights.