in Geezer, Weather

Highlights of 2010: weather wrap-up

Even though I’ve only had my weather station graphing on the Internet since December, it has actually been gathering weather data all year long. Let’s look at the highs and lows, weather-wise, for 2010.

The year 2010 was an exceptionally hot year, with more 90°F + days than any other (the official total was 91 [PDF]). The MT.Net weather station marked its hottest temperature of 106.2°F on 7 July at 1:03 PM. This roughly coincided with the driest recorded humidity of the year: an astoundingly dry 14% (at 1:15 PM that day).

On the other end of the thermometer, we recorded our coldest temperature the morning of 31 January at 7:49 AM, when it dropped to 20.1°F. There were places nearby that were colder than that but that’s the lowest low we had.

The biggest recorded wind gust is … well, wrong. On 24 March a gust of 125 MPH was recorded. Needless to say this is inaccurate! I continue to have trouble with my wind gauges and don’t know if I can get them fixed.

On the rain front, we recorded 31.61 inches of rain for the year. This is well below average, as the normal total at the RDU airport is 43.05 inches (the airport recorded just 36.94 inches). Our normal totals usually include rain from our frequent tropical storms and hurricanes, but lately we’ve not had many of those. Storms like Earl came close but were sent packing by the persistent high pressure we’ve had this year.

I’ll update this post with our pressure readings once I can fetch them.

All in all, 2010 was a hot, dry summer and a late fall/early winter filled with snow.