in Musings

Highlights of 2010: Self-improvement

Beard and specs

Ah, the annual “this is what happened’ list. It’s always a challenge summing up a year’s worth of events. I’ll start off with this entry on self-improvement.

This year was a year of self-improvement for me. In January I had the spot that had been growing on my temple taken off. I was amazed at how quick and painless it was. I was also surprised at just how happy it made me to not see it on my face anymore.

I’ve also added more exercise, doing 30-40 push-ups every day in addition to the daily dog-walks around the neighborhood. Around the time I began doing daily push-ups I also set a goal of dropping a few pounds by the end of the year. As these plans progressed I found myself doing something I wasn’t used to doing: tightening my belt! I look great and feel great, too. What little snoring I had been doing is completely gone now and I’m sleeping better than I have in a long while.

With the onset of cooler weather I began growing a beard. Like most beards, it sort of progressed accidentally from a few days of not shaving. This is the first time I’ve grown a beard that had significant gray in it: my chin is frosty with the rest of it brown. I think it makes me look more distinguished and I might keep it a while.

Earlier this year I followed a friend’s lead and bought a pair of glasses over the Internet. Zenni Optical had dozens of different styles. So, armed with my prescription and a measurement of my eye distance that I obtained from being a former Lenscrafters customer, I put in an order for some sweet, stylish frames.

After a week or two my glasses arrived and I have been wearing them ever since. I love them! The frame style was a radical change for me but it has grown on me. I’ve gotten lots of compliments on them. Zenni’s glasses are so affordable that I could buy several pairs for what I’d pay elsewhere.

I can say that I will leave this year looking and feeling better than when I began it.