in Checking In, Weather

Murphy’s Law week

Well it’s been an interesting week so far. Sunday afternoon the hard drive in our home mail server decided to crash, leaving us without email for two days. I noticed it Monday morning when I had a conference call of several hours, too. I spent Monday morning scrambling to get everything fixed while on the phone with customers, trying to demonstrate our product. It was a total zoo but somehow I made it.

I thought I could simply visit one of our area computer stores to buy a new drive but it wouldn’t be as easy as that. The drive I needed isn’t sold locally anymore, so I had to scrounge around the piles of collected computer parts to find a drive I could put in temporarily. It was that scrounging that led me to realize that an old laptop I’d had in storage could be easily fixed, so the experience wasn’t all bad. I hope to get it suitable for the kids to use.

Also, this morning we had a total lunar eclipse. We roused the kids at 2:30 AM and watched the first part of totality. Though the forecast called for clouds we only got wispy ones and wound up having a good view of the lunar show. Even though we spent only a half-hour outside, though, that was enough to keep Kelly and me from not sleeping well the rest of the night. It was tough obeying this morning’s alarm clock!

After work today we had some friends over for snacks, chatting, and some caroling. It was a really fun time! I should have been falling-over tired but I got a charge out of the party. We definitely don’t entertain enough; a situation that will likely be resolved now that we’ve added a dining room table to our home.

Now off to catch up on that sleep I missed this morning. Tomorrow I will be the only family member crawling out of bed at the regular time since the kids are out of school. No rest for the weary!