in Checking In

Partial power outage

Around 11:11 this morning I was working at my desk when the power flickered. A moment later the power came back on, but at much lower voltage! When my VoIP phone began going nuts I remembered how bad it is for electronics to be fed low voltage, so I began racing frantically around the house, shutting down all the electronics and CFL bulbs I could find. Soon the power was lost completely, ending the apparent danger.

An hour later the power returned and things seemed to be fine. All the gear I turned off came back on again. I thought we were out of the woods … until late afternoon. Kelly asked me if I had done something to the refrigerator as the ice tray was filled with water instead of ice. That’s when I realized I should’ve turned off the refrigerator, too. I think the compressor has been damaged by the low power, too.

When the ice storm hit the Triangle in 2002 the heat pump in our Garner home fell victim to low voltage. Had we waited for the power to stabilize in the neighborhood that night we wouldn’t have had to buy a new heat pump. I don’t know if I could’ve switched the power off to the refrigerator fast enough for it to have protected it but I might have done something.

The freezer and fridge are both cooling down again now, but it’s taking much longer for it to happen than it once did. It’s as if the compressor has lost 50% of its power, too. We could be facing an expensive repair, or an outright replacement of our refrigerator.

Don’t let it be said that we’re not doing our part to stimulate the economy.

Update 1 Oct: Fridge appears fine, after all. Not sure how it warmed up like it did but so far so good.

  1. What is it about refrigerators lately? We had to replace ours over the 4th of July and I know of at least one other friend that had to replace theirs recently too!

    Good luck with it!

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